A manifestation, an urge that is not easily tamed, is exploring the potential of a good user experience. Not to mention the interest in researching efficient algorithms for the upcoming projects, adapting the project to the correct framework and programming language. And how should this be achieved? A personal preference: an Agile development cycle.
Battleboids is a work in progress game built using the Unity game engine and is the main focus of a bachelor's thesis at Chalmers university of technology and the University of Gothenburg. The game revolves around boid simulation behaviour as described by Craig Reynolds in his 1987 paper, 'Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model'. My main area of concern has been the level design, user interaction functionality, and UI design.
We were tasked to solve a cycling related problem, so we looked into adventurous bicycling that requires a lot of packing and preparation. Our goal was to identify the needs of these adventure cyclists and create a prototype of an application that would ensure a safe and complete preparation phase.
Konrad is an application developed in a course about Agile development. We got tasked to create an application that would aid the UN's sustainable development goals. I worked on designing the application, creating functionality to enable users to make posts, and search functionality to filter by tags and more.
A topdown 2D game developed in a course about object-oriented programming projects and Agile development. In this project, I created a 2D renderer where I separated the rendering logic from the game logic, allowing us to scale the game to any resolution without worrying about the physics involved (they used logic based on static distances). Additionally, I took the time to implement user input controls, sound and more.